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Laura M. Calvi

Laura Calvi
Laura M.
Assistant Professor
University of Rochester School of Medicine

Recent studies demonstrate that the microenvironment or niche regulates stem cell behavior. Since niche components are potential targets for therapies aimed at controlling stem cell behavior, definition of the niche is a novel strategy to achieve stem cell manipulation. Focusing on hematopoietic stem cells in the bone marrow, Dr. Calvi has identified osteoblasts as hematopoietic stem cell regulators. Dr. Calvi's research now seeks to define the molecular signals between osteoblasts and hematopoietic stem cells, and to manipulate those signals to expand stem cells. To this end, the lab has defined in vivo systems in which osteoblastic signals expand specific subsets of stem cells, improving survival after bone marrow injury.

Areas of interest for the laboratory currently are:
1. signals regulating osteoblastic control of hematopoeitic stem cells
2. effects of osteoblastic activation in leukemia and metastatic bone disease
3. identification of the osteoblastic cell subset regulating hematopoeitic stem cell fate choices

Select Publications: 

Porter, R.L. and Calvi, L.M. (2008) Communication between bone and hematopoietic stem cells.  Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics in press (2008)

Adams, G.B., Martin, R.P., Alley, I.R., Chabner, K.T., Cohen, K.S., Calvi, L.M., Kronenberg, H.M., Scadden, D.T. (2007) Therapeutic targeting of a stem cell niche.  Nature Biotechnology, 2007 Feb; 25(2):  238-43.

Calvi LM, Adams GB, Weibrecht K, Weber JM, Olson DP, Knight MC, Martin RP, Schipani E, Divieti P, Bringhurst FR, Milner LA, Kronenberg HM, Scadden DT. (2003) Osteoblastic cells regulate the hematopoietic stem cell niche. Nature. 425:841-846.