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Malcolm A.S. Moore

Malcolm Moore
Malcolm A.S.
D. Phil.
Member and Professor
Cell Biology Program
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
Enid A Haupt Professor of Cell Biology

Dr. Moore's interest in hESC is in developing methods of differentiating these to hematopoietic stem cells, T lymphocytes, endothelial cells and cardiomyocytes that could be used therapeutically. Professor Moore's interest in cancer stem cells in leukemia, myeloma and solid tumors is to identify differences (genetic, epigenetic, functional) between normal and malignant stem cells and develop therapies that selectively target cancer stem cells.

Select Publications: 

Kim K, Ng K, Rugg-Gunn PJ, Shieh JH, Jaenisch R, Wakayama T, Moore MA, Pedersen RA, and Daley GQ. Recombination signatures distinguish embryonic stem cells derived by parthenogenesis and somatic cell nuclear transfer. Cell Stem Cell 2007;1:346-352.

Shi-Jiang Lu S-J, Feng Q, Caballero S, Chen Y, Moore MAS, Grant MB, Lanza RB. Generation of Functional Hemangioblasts From Human Embryonic Stem Cells. Nature Methods. 2007;4:501-9.

Chung KY, Morrone G, Schuringa JJ, Plasilova M, Shieh JH, Zhang Y, Zhou P, Moore MA. Enforced expression of NUP98-HOXA9 in human CD34(+) cells enhances stem cell proliferation.  Cancer Res. 2006 Dec 15;66(24):11781-91.